
Our experience in a coworking space
Few years ago, people used to ask us what coworking was or what it would be like to share workspace with other companies or freelancers, and we honestly knew nothing about the subject.
Today's entry, we want to use it to explain our personal experience in a coworking space, the advantages of working in such an environment, and take this opportunity to dedicate this post to our fellow coworkers.
We started working at MG Coworking ( in April 2016, and since then, many things have changed in our company. For those who may be behind on this, let's begin by explaining what coworking is. For us, coworking is a great opportunity for many people who need workspace but want to optimize time and money. It's a working philosophy that allows professionals, whether independent, entrepreneurs, or corporate departments, to have access to shared workspace to develop projects or work.
To us, coworking is the evolution of traditional workspaces, with a completely innovative, dynamic, and flexible format that allows sharing space with other professionals and companies while still having a dedicated workspace in a professional and integrated environment, creating opportunities for businesses. So, based on our experience during this time of sharing workspace with other companies and professionals, we want to highlight some benefits that we hope will motivate you to consider working in a coworking space.
Cost Efficiency: According to a study, costs can be reduced by up to 30% annually by sharing services with others. A clear example is internet access. In a shared space, we can also share it without the need to cover 100% of that connection cost. Not to mention other benefits like utilizing the kitchen, meeting rooms, cleaning, utilities, and more.
Flexibility: Another significant advantage is flexibility. You pay for the space you need, with the possibility to expand as your business grows. Services that are typically covered in these spaces, which are essential:
• High-speed internet • Extended access hours • Meeting rooms • Mail reception • Security • Office Manager (someone who takes care of everything) • Cleaning
In summary, being in a shared space means sharing costs, which translates into many services that can be leveraged, services that would be nearly impossible to handle independently, especially for entrepreneurs.
Reduced Stress: Working in a coworking space can significantly reduce stress. Why? It's simple. You don't have to worry about paying for utilities, internet, water, keeping everything clean, security, etc. You come, work, and that's it. Someone else takes care of the rest. Interesting, isn't it? Motivation: Working from home, for example, can lead to distractions, time wastage, and even changes in your work schedule. This directly affects motivation. But in a coworking space, things are different. It feels like a real office, you see others working, there's a conducive atmosphere, and distractions are minimized. In our case, we motivate each other, which boosts motivation.
Coworking spaces are not just workspaces; they foster a collaborative atmosphere that benefits their members while they work. You expand your network effortlessly, and synergies are created among coworkers. It's not uncommon in such spaces for you to be in the kitchen or a common area and start a conversation with someone, leading to potential business opportunities. In our case, apart from generating business, companies and workers have formed strong bonds and friendships. Honestly, it's amazing to go to work and be surrounded by friendly people, and friendships blossom.
In conclusion, we couldn't be happier with our coworking space and our fellow coworkers! We encourage you to experience this for yourselves!