
I crashed there and at your party I landed...!
Don't be fooled, it always happens. When you see photos from your teenage years or your parents' era, you think, “Was I crazy or what? How could they go out dressed like that on the street? How could I wear that hair?” and at the same time, you feel a fondness for those years. You don't want them to return (no, please) but you are especially thrilled to remember them. They are mixed feelings.
So, we proposed to go back for just one night to those crazy years. We threw a party to dazzle in colors! And you may wonder, why do I speak like this? Well, because we are also reminiscing to write this magnificent post.
The Madrid Movida will be a great inspiration for dressing up at your 80s theme party, but above all, it will be for the music.
Important note: The brightly colored tracksuit jacket works for everything.

The decorated room took us back to remember, with nostalgia, those great years, the atmosphere, the light, the photocall, the music, the food, the waiters... everything entirely.
We leave you here a few photos with which you're going to freak out.
I'm out of here, vampire!
